Let's build an Entity Component System (part 2): databases
In this series we build the Mach engine Entity Component System from scratch in the Zig programming language.
In part one, we looked at how ECS intersects with data oriented design, starting without any foundational understanding of how ECS typically works and instead working from first-principles to arrive at what would probably be the most computationally efficient implementation.
In this ~24 page part two, we examine functionality gaps our first approach had, explore how databases relate to ECS, and begin writing our actual implementation in Zig! By the end, you'll have an archetypal ECS with the ability to add/remove entities and components. In part 3, we'll cover queries.
Check out the prior parts of this series if you haven't already!
The case for a general-purpose runtime ECS
In part 1 we proposed an architecture which would have had you end up with something like this where you declare an entity archetype at comptime, as a struct type:
const Player = struct {
name: []const u8, // a string / byte slice
location: Vec3,
velocity: Vec3,
health: u8,
team: Team,
In this code, our struct fields name
, location
, etc. are said to be our entity components for the Player
archetype. To create a Player
entity, we would simply create a value of this type. We proposed using std.MultiArrayList
to store lists of Player
entities for efficient CPU cache utilization:
var players: MultiArrayList(Player) = .{}; // all players
This approach is minimal, simplistic, and has an extremely efficient memory layout. Anyone who has used a production-worthy ECS, though, will tell you: that lacks flexibility.
Here are a few reasons why a general-purpose runtime ECS is more flexible.
Operating on components, not entities
Imagine you’d like to have your physics system operate on every entity with velocity
and location
components. We know that as long as we have those two values, we can do some maths and update the location of an entity to where it should be. But wait, which entities?
var players: MultiArrayList(Player) = .{}; // all players
var monsters: MultiArrayList(Monster) = .{}; // all monsters
var cameras: MultiArrayList(Camera) = .{}; // all cameras
var lights: MultiArrayList(Light) = .{}; // all lights
We could look at these types as a programmer and find which ones have velocity
and location
fields, probably just players
and monsters
do. But now, how do we write our physics code to operate on both lists of Player
and Monster
entities? We just need the velocity
and location
fields - we don’t care if it’s a player or monster!
Rapid, iterative, game design
If we wish to add a
weapon: Weapon
component to our Player
entity, all good: we update the Player
struct to have that field. If we want to add a weapon at runtime, we make it an optional weapon: ?Weapon
so it can be null
Let's say we're working on a whacky new cooking simulator game: you've got a kitchen stove, ingredients, utensils, etc. as entities. Some code checks if an entity touches the stovetop and, if it has a cookable: void
component, then it gets cooked. If we're trying to build a 100% science-based cooking simulator, well, then we could probably plan ahead and "know" that Ingredient
entities should have the cookable
component while Utensil
entities should not. But often, there's immense joy in strange mechanics: What if utensils were cookable
Maybe even a game server has made this decision, or a scripting language. We didn't anticipate this at compile time! It'd be great if we could quickly try it out at the flip of a switch, though, while the game is running. And especially without having to track down every codepath handling cookable
to now handle cookable
Runtime components? Just as fast
We want runtime components in Mach engine for the reasons above, all of which boil down to rapid, iterative game design. Integration of our ECS with a GUI level editor, etc. all require deep levels of runtime introspection of the data in our ECS.
One may assume that runtime ECS will just naturally be slower than a comptime ECS.
It’s important to note that just because we’re defining components at runtime, it doesn’t mean we cannot take special care to follow data oriented design and structure our memory in a way that is very efficient for CPU cache.
Thinking in terms of databases
With more complex aspects of an ECS, there are just tradeoffs, tradeoffs, tradeoffs everywhere!
- Querying
- “find all entities that have Physics and Location components”
- “find all entities within 5 units distance from (x, y, z)”
- “find me all player entities whose Name component starts with ‘ziggy’”
- …
- Indexing queries (how to make complex queries fast?)
- Dense vs. sparse storage
- “almost every player has a Weapon component”
- “only a few players have a Weapon component, most don’t”
Could there ever be a perfect way to represent ECS data in memory to handle all possible ways someone might want to use it? You might see this as a drawback - there cannot be a perfect ECS! “Maybe that means you shouldn’t use one at all” you might think
But, if we begin to think about an ECS as nothing more than an in-memory database for game entities, it’s incredibly tempting to draw analogies with traditional databases:

Pushing the database analogy further
Multi-threaded queries / writes
A physics system which wishes to calculate physics for any entity with location
and velocity
components (columns on any table) ideally can run in parallel with other systems which wish to query and mutate entities.
Such a physics system could interact with the ECS through a “database connection” or “database handle” which synchronizes access (say through table locks, column locks, row locks, etc.) to ensure conflict-free parallel execution with other systems.
Additionally, finding entities with location
and velocity
components is as simple as asking: which tables have those columns? Every entity in such a table is guaranteed to have those components, we don’t need to check each entity to see if it has those components.
Indexing queries

The natural row-by-row order of database tables is great, but we could have indexes to optimize specific query usage patterns without fundamentally changing our architecture:
- Spatial index: Maybe there are 1 million entities spread across a huge area, we only want to find those within 10 meters from our player. A spatial index could utilize an octree to optimize such queries.
- Graph relation index: If you anticipate walking up/down a graph of entities (think a GUI / scene graph) a lot, then it’s important to have a fast way to lookup a given entity’s parent/children - a graph relation index could efficiently keep track of such relations.
- Generic probability index: Sometimes you’ll need to “find all entities where component X has a value Y”, a probability index could maintain fastfilters to statistically answer “these entities likely have value Y (though a few might not)” extremely quickly.
- Generic function index: An escape hatch - maybe you want to find all entities where
, a generic index could keep track of when entities (rows) are changed and only invokearbitraryFunction
when changes occur.
Other ECS implementations
After thinking about this anology quite far, writing our implementation around it, etc. I was quite happy to find that I wasn’t the only one who thought of this: The Rust Bevy authors also describe ECS as a data structure in this way and after writing my implementation I got in touch with them to discuss tradeoffs, get advice, etc. (many thanks!)
While this is a helpful analogy to have in the back of your head, we won’t take it too far - it’s not completely perfect. For example, the database equivalent of ‘sparse storage’ might be “every row of our “players” table has a foreign key (the row ID of another table with less rows)”, but in reality we wouldn’t want our ECS sparse storage to pay the cost of storing that ID for every table row: only rows of entities where we want such a component value. Instead, sparse storage in an ECS is more like a mapping of row ID -> component_value
Writing our ECS implementation in Zig
At this point we’ve made a large amount of the architecture decisions for our ECS: we understand how ECS relates to data oriented design, databases, and the tradeoffs we’ll make with our implementation. From this point on, this series will be much more code-heavy!
Representing a “world” of entities
The first thing we need is a way to represent our “database of tables”, the tables that will contain our entities, usage may look something like:
var world = Entities.init(allocator); // create a world
defer world.deinit(); // free the world
We can define this as a struct:
pub const Entities = struct {
allocator: Allocator,
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) Entities {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
pub fn deinit(entities: *Entities) void {
_ = entities;
// TODO: release anything we allocate
So if Entities
is our “database”, we need a way to represent our “tables” (or “archetypes”) that will store our actual entities component data:
pub const Entities = struct {
allocator: Allocator,
+ /// A mapping of archetype hash to their storage.
+ ///
+ /// Database equivalent: table name -> tables representing entities.
+ archetypes: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(u64, ArchetypeStorage) = .{},
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) Entities {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
pub fn deinit(entities: *Entities) void {
- _ = entities;
- // TODO: release anything we allocate
+ var iter = entities.archetypes.iterator();
+ while (iter.next()) |entry| {
+ entry.value_ptr.deinit();
+ }
+ entities.archetypes.deinit(entities.allocator);
The Entities.archetypes
field is a hashmap of archetype hashes (more on these later) to the archetype storage, where our actual entities component values will be stored.
std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(u64, ArchetypeStorage)
is a bit of a mouth full! If you’re keen to understand more about Zig hashmaps, I wrote a quick article explaining Zig hashmaps you should check out, but all you need to know is this: it’s a hashmap of u64
keys to ArchetypeStorage
struct values.
The deinit
function we’ve added just iterates over each value in the hashmap and calls deinit
on it so it has a chance to free it’s allocated memory before we free the entire hashmap.
as an alternative to sparse sets
Importantly, we use an ArrayHashMap
here not a regular hash map: an ArrayHashMap
is actually just backed by an ordered array behind the scenes, and because of this it’s optimized for iteration over the hashmap values rather than hashmap lookups, since consecutive values are very likely to be in CPU cache.
Critically, we can directly index into the ordered backing array: if we know the index of a table we’d like to lookup, that’s a simple O(1) index operation and not a hashmap lookup - we’ll take great advantage of this later as an alternative to ‘sparse sets’ you may read about in other ECS implementations.
Why our archetype table names are hashes: entities move between tables
You may have noticed we use u64
values to name our archetype storage tables: why not strings? In a traditional database, these would be strings:

In our ECS, though, there’s a trick: tables will not be user-defined, they’ll be automatically created and destroyed as needed for you. We’ll just put entities into the table that has all the needed columns, and so our players
and monsters
tables above would actually just be one big table (since they have identical components) with a name like has_sword__and__health__and__location

Let’s say we want to give a player
entity a new component, like a rotation
, then we’ll just create a new table with has_sword, health, location, rotation
columns and move just that one entity over to the new table.
And so the names for our archetype tables are actually just a hash of all the component names/types! This means that when we add that rotation
component to another player
entity, we can merely hash all the component names the entity will now have to quickly check: does a table for storing this archetype of entity already exist, or do we need to create a new one?
Creating our first archetype table
When we first create an entity, it’s not going to have any components. We need a way to represent entities that do not have any components - for this, we’ll create a special “void archetype”, an empty table where entities will start out:
+pub const void_archetype_hash = std.math.maxInt(u64);
pub const Entities = struct {
- pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !Entities {
- return .{
- .allocator = allocator,
- };
+ pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !Entities {
+ var entities = Entities{ .allocator = allocator };
+ try entities.archetypes.put(allocator, void_archetype_hash, ArchetypeStorage{
+ .allocator = allocator,
+ .components = .{},
+ .hash = void_archetype_hash,
+ });
+ return entities;
This puts a single item into our entities.archetypes
hashmap: void_archetype_hash
as the key, which will be a special key for entities without any components, and the value is a new ArchetypeStorage{...}
table, which looks like this:
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
allocator: Allocator,
/// The hash of every component name in this archetype, i.e. the name of this archetype.
hash: u64,
/// A string hashmap of component_name -> type-erased *ComponentStorage(Component)
components: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(ErasedComponentStorage),
pub fn deinit(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
for (storage.components.values()) |erased| {
erased.deinit(erased.ptr, storage.allocator);
is representing all entities that have the exact same set of component types (think back to our “monsters and players go in one table” diagram above.) The database equivalent of ArchetypeStorage
is a table, where rows are entities and columns are components (dense storage.)
It’s aware of it’s own hash
(table name), and maintains it’s own hashmap components
which maps component names (strings) to the actual place in memory where we store the components' values. Here, this is ErasedComponentStorage
, a type-erased pointer to *ComponentStorage(Component)
, which brings us to..
Storing components in memory
Within our ArchetypeStorage
database tables, we need to actually store the values for components somewhere. And how we represent these in memory is critical. You may recall from Andrew Kelley’s “A Practical Guide to Applying Data-Oriented Design” talk that if we use std.MultiArrayList
it would store our data in a way that is more efficient for CPU cache, leading to much greater performance. We get to take advantage of that here by storing component values as a struct-of-arrays instead of array-of-structs which, as the talk describes, helps to reduce the in-memory size of our data and ensure more of them are in CPU cache.
A component will be a relatively simple, small value - such as:
const Location = struct {
x: f32 = 0,
y: f32 = 0,
z: f32 = 0,
On an entity, there may be many of these. Thanks to the database model we have and tables being laid out, we get to store all Location
component values in contiguous memory which is great for CPU caches:
/// Represents the storage for a single type of component within a single type of entity.
/// Database equivalent: a column within a table.
pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime Component: type) type {
return struct {
/// A reference to the total number of entities with the same type as is being stored here.
total_rows: *usize,
/// The actual densely stored component data.
data: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Component) = .{},
const Self = @This();
pub fn deinit(storage: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
So when we have a table of entities that have a Location
component, our ArchetypeStorage.components
hashmap will have a "location"
entry for example that points to a *ComponentStorage(Location)
densely storing all location values for every entity in the entire table.
Type-erased component storage
You might recall our components
hashmap in our table is ErasedComponentStorage
, not *ComponentStorage(Component)
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
components: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(ErasedComponentStorage),
What gives? Well, the problem is that we need to store multiple component types in this hashmap. For example, if this table represents player entities we may need two entries:
Here Weapon
and Location
are generic type parameters. Our ArchetypeStorage.components
hashmap can only point to one type of value, though! So we must first turn our *ComponentStorage(Weapon)
into a type-erased pointer *anyopaque
(equal to C’s void*
). Of course, this can make working with the values quite difficult because then we don’t know what data type they were supposed to have! To aid with this, we introduce a ErasedComponentStorage
/// A type-erased representation of ComponentStorage(T) (where T is unknown).
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
// Casts this `ErasedComponentStorage` into `*ComponentStorage(Component)` with the given type
// (unsafe).
pub fn cast(ptr: *anyopaque, comptime Component: type) *ComponentStorage(Component) {
var aligned = @alignCast(@alignOf(*ComponentStorage(Component)), ptr);
return @ptrCast(*ComponentStorage(Component), aligned);
This is useful as it allows us to store all of the typed ComponentStorage(T)
as values in a hashmap despite having different T
types, and allows us to still interact with them in consistent ways even though we don’t remember what the underlying type is. For example, add the requirement that ErasedComponentStorage
knows how to deinitialize itself:
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
+ deinit: fn (erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator) void,
When we go to actually create an ErasedComponentStorage
value, we know the type, and so we can set up a function that does the deinitialization for us:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
var new_ptr = try entities.allocator.create(ComponentStorage(Component));
new_ptr.* = ComponentStorage(Component){ .total_rows = total_rows };
return ErasedComponentStorage{
.ptr = new_ptr,
.deinit = (struct {
pub fn deinit(erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator) void {
var ptr = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(erased, Component);
Here initErasedStorage
is a way for us to say:
Hey! I anticipate storing
values in a table, please allocate that for me and give me aErasedComponentStorage
value in return.
The first two lines create a pointer where we can store our ComponentStorage(Component)
struct value itself (not the items inside of it), and initialize new_ptr.*
with a value:
var new_ptr = try entities.allocator.create(ComponentStorage(Component));
new_ptr.* = ComponentStorage(Component){ .total_rows = total_rows };
Then we create the ErasedComponentStorage
value, giving it the pointer *ComponentStorage(Component)
(and erasing that type in the process) .ptr = new_ptr,
, and create our deinit
.deinit = (struct {
pub fn deinit(erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator) void {
var ptr = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(erased, Component);
.deinit =
is setting the deinit
field of ErasedComponentStorage
to a value. The (struct { ... }).deinit,
part is just creating an anonymous struct with a deinit
function in it so we can pick it back out, this is some syntactual cruft Zig currently requires for writing function expressions.
You’ll see that what the function does is pretty simple, though: It takes that erased: *anyopaque
pointer, casts it back to the typed value *ComponentStorage(Component)
(since within this function we know what the Component
type is) and then calls ptr.deinit(allocator)
which is just a standard method on the ComponentStorage
struct so it has a chance to free any memory it allocated, before ultimately we ask the allocator allocator.destroy(ptr)
to destroy the pointer where we’re storing that struct value ComponentStorage(Component)
we allocated earlier.
Now if we have an *ErasedComponentStorage
value, we can call it’s .deinit
function and it knows how to cast back to the appropriate pointer type before freeing everything. We’ll reuse this pattern to do other generic operations on component storage later.
Managing entity IDs / pointers
At this point we’ve got:
(our database)ArchetypeStorage
(a table)ErasedComponentStorage
- the columns in a table
It’s time to actually represent entities! We’ll do so with just an ID:
/// An entity ID uniquely identifies an entity globally within an Entities set.
pub const EntityID = u64;
We need a way to know which table an entity is stored in, and which row in that table it’s component values are located at. You may be tempted to think that EntityID
could just be that information, but remember than when we add or remove a component from an entity it will move between ArchetypeStorage
tables! When that happens, it’s nice if other user code referencing that EntityID
can stay oblivious to that - so we’ll store a mapping of entity IDs to Pointer
pub const Entities = struct {
+ counter: EntityID = 0,
+ /// A mapping of entity IDs (array indices) to where an entity's component values are actually
+ /// stored.
+ entities: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(EntityID, Pointer) = .{},
+ /// Points to where an entity is stored, specifically in which archetype table and in which row
+ /// of that table.
+ pub const Pointer = struct {
+ archetype_index: u16,
+ row_index: u32,
+ };
pub fn deinit(entities: *Entities) void {
+ entities.entities.deinit(entities.allocator);
Remember how I said earlier it was important that the mapping of table names -> tables (Entities.archetypes
) is an array hash map, not a regular hash map? That’s because we can index directly into it! Say we’re given an arbitrary EntityID
and want to find it’s component values, first we would find out which table/row the entity points to via a hash map lookup:
const ptr: Pointer = entities.entities.get(entity_id).?;
Now we know exactly which table and row it’s stored in, and can lookup the table, or component values, with simple O(1) array access operations. e.g. to get the archetype table the entity is stored in:
var archetype = entities.archetypes.entries.get(ptr.archetype_index);
Here, entities.archetypes.entries
is our AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged
mapping table names to their ArchetypeStorage
- but we access the array inside the hash map directly instead of using a hash map lookup.
Creating an entity
To create new entities, we’ll use an Entities.new
method that returns a new entity ID by incrementing a global counter in our database:
pub const Entities = struct {
+ /// Returns a new entity.
+ pub fn new(entities: *Entities) !EntityID {
+ const new_id = entities.counter;
+ entities.counter += 1;
+ return new_id;
+ }
Initially, an entity will have no components, and thus we’ll put it into that special “void” archetype mentioned earlier (this just gives us a guarantee that an entity is always residing in an archetype, even if it has no components - a property that will come in handy later):
/// Returns a new entity.
pub fn new(entities: *Entities) !EntityID {
const new_id = entities.counter;
entities.counter += 1;
+ var void_archetype = entities.archetypes.getPtr(void_archetype_hash).?;
+ const new_row = try void_archetype.new(new_id);
return new_id;
here is, of course, ArchetypeStorage
(a database table). We’re invoking void_archetype.new(new_id)
to reserve a row in the void archetype table, which will be done using this:
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
+ entity_ids: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(EntityID) = .{},
pub fn deinit(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
for (storage.components.values()) |erased| {
erased.deinit(erased.ptr, storage.allocator);
+ storage.entity_ids.deinit(storage.allocator);
+ pub fn new(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, entity: EntityID) !u32 {
+ // Return a new row index
+ const new_row_index = storage.entity_ids.items.len;
+ try storage.entity_ids.append(storage.allocator, entity);
+ return @intCast(u32, new_row_index);
+ }
Now ArchetypeStorage
maintains a mapping of rows in the table (entity_ids
indices) to the entity ID. This will come in handy later - the only important thing to note here is that this is reserving a new row in the table where the entity can live, but it’s not actually allocating the storage for that entity’s component values yet.
Back over to Entities
(the database), we need to record which archetype (table), and row number in that table, that the entity ID actually points to (remember-entity IDs are merely pointers to a specific table and row):
/// Returns a new entity.
pub fn new(entities: *Entities) !EntityID {
const new_id = entities.counter;
entities.counter += 1;
var void_archetype = entities.archetypes.getPtr(void_archetype_hash).?;
const new_row = try void_archetype.new(new_id);
+ const void_pointer = Pointer{
+ .archetype_index = 0, // void archetype is guaranteed to be first index
+ .row_index = new_row,
+ };
+ entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, new_id, void_pointer) catch |err| {
+ void_archetype.undoNew();
+ return err;
+ };
return new_id;
Remember how void_archetype.new
from earlier reserves a row in the table? Well, what happens if we reserved that row, but then fail to record the pointer (entities.entities.put
OOMs)? In this case, our table has reserved a row for the entity to-be, but we don’t have enough memory to record which table/row the entity ID points to. So we need to undo that reservation to ensure our table doesn’t have an unused (reserved) row. undoNew
does exactly that:
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
pub fn new(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, entity: EntityID) !u32 {
// Return a new row index
const new_row_index = storage.entity_ids.items.len;
try storage.entity_ids.append(storage.allocator, entity);
return @intCast(u32, new_row_index);
+ pub fn undoNew(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
+ _ = storage.entity_ids.pop();
+ }
Since the call to new
merely appended a value to entity_ids
, we only need to pop
the last value off in order to undo the call to new
and effectively unreserve the row we last reserved.
At this point, the following test works:
test "ecs" {
const allocator = testing.allocator;
var world = try Entities.init(allocator);
defer world.deinit();
const player = try world.new();
_ = player;
(A copy of the full code at this point is available here and you can run it using zig test ecs.zig
Working with component storage
As we work with component storage (table columns, where component values for a single type T
are stored contiguously in memory) we’re going to need some helper functions. The first one is to swap remove a value from a column:
pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime Component: type) type {
return struct {
data: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Component) = .{},
+ pub fn remove(storage: *Self, row_index: u32) void {
+ if (storage.data.items.len > row_index) {
+ _ = storage.data.swapRemove(row_index);
+ }
+ }
Note that ComponentStorage
memory is lazily allocated, so we only remove if the table column does in fact have storage allocated.
Next up is a simple copy function, a specific row’s value from src
to dst
+ pub inline fn copy(dst: *Self, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src: *Self) !void {
+ try dst.set(allocator, dst_row, src.get(src_row));
+ }
And a helper to get the actual component value from a column:
+ pub inline fn get(storage: Self, row_index: u32) Component {
+ return storage.data.items[row_index];
+ }
Here we do not need to check the length of storage.data.items
, because we assert the column must have that row.
Working with type-ErasedComponentStorage
As we discussed earlier, we often won’t have a typed ComponentStorage(T)
and instead will have ErasedComponentStorage
. We need a few more helpers to operate on the columns of a table, this time without knowing the underlying data type.
Cloning ComponentStorage types
The first helper we need is the ability to create a new value of type ComponentStorage(T)
when we don’t know the actual type of T
/// A type-erased representation of ComponentStorage(T) (where T is unknown).
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
+ cloneType: fn (erased: ErasedComponentStorage, total_entities: *usize, allocator: Allocator, retval: *ErasedComponentStorage) error{OutOfMemory}!void,
The goal of this helper is purely to clone the type, let’s see how it is implemented when when initializing erased component storage:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
return ErasedComponentStorage{
+ .cloneType = (struct {
+ pub fn cloneType(erased: ErasedComponentStorage, _total_rows: *usize, allocator: Allocator, retval: *ErasedComponentStorage) !void {
+ var new_clone = try allocator.create(ComponentStorage(Component));
+ new_clone.* = ComponentStorage(Component){ .total_rows = _total_rows };
+ var tmp = erased;
+ tmp.ptr = new_clone;
+ retval.* = tmp;
+ }
+ }).cloneType,
Notably this doesn’t copy the actual values in the component storage, it’s just creating a new ComponentStorage(T)
for us - just the struct
value, as if we’d written ComponentStorage(T){.total_rows = total_rows}
! This doesn’t allocate storage for the rows, it just says we anticipate there will be that many.
Copying component values between tables
The second helper we’ll need is a way to copy a component value from one ComponentStorage(T)
column row to another of the same type T
, again when we don’t know the underlying type and just have two ErasedComponentStorage
we need to copy a value between:
/// A type-erased representation of ComponentStorage(T) (where T is unknown).
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
+ copy: fn (dst_erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src_erased: *anyopaque) error{OutOfMemory}!void,
The implementation is simple:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
return ErasedComponentStorage{
+ .copy = (struct {
+ pub fn copy(dst_erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src_erased: *anyopaque) !void {
+ var dst = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(dst_erased, Component);
+ var src = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(src_erased, Component);
+ return dst.copy(allocator, src_row, dst_row, src);
+ }
+ }).copy,
Removing a row from a column
Removing a single component value from a column in a table looks as you’d expect:
/// A type-erased representation of ComponentStorage(T) (where T is unknown).
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
+ remove: fn (erased: *anyopaque, row: u32) void,
The implementation is simple:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
+ return ErasedComponentStorage{
+ ...
+ .copy = (struct {
+ pub fn copy(dst_erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src_erased: *anyopaque) !void {
+ var dst = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(dst_erased, Component);
+ var src = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(src_erased, Component);
+ return dst.copy(allocator, src_row, dst_row, src);
+ }
+ }).copy,
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
return ErasedComponentStorage{
+ .remove = (struct {
+ pub fn remove(erased: *anyopaque, row: u32) void {
+ var ptr = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(erased, Component);
+ ptr.remove(row);
+ }
+ }).remove,
Removing an entire row from a table
When we want to remove an entire row (all column values), we need to invoke remove
on each column:
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
+ pub fn remove(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, row_index: u32) !void {
+ _ = storage.entity_ids.swapRemove(row_index);
+ for (storage.components.values()) |component_storage| {
+ component_storage.remove(component_storage.ptr, row_index);
+ }
This also swap removes the row from the table entity_ids
mapping of row indices -> entity ID.
Adding components
Now on to the fun part: adding components to our entity. Suppose we want to do this:
test "ecs" {
+ const Location = struct {
+ x: f32 = 0,
+ y: f32 = 0,
+ z: f32 = 0,
+ };
+ try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "jane"); // add Name component
+ try world.setComponent(player, "Location", Location{}); // add Location component
+ try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "joe"); // update Name component
When we call setComponent
, we may be updating the value of an existing component OR adding a new component to the entity. If the latter, we need to move the entity to a new archetype table (which may or may not exist!) - so the first thing we need to do is figure out: what archetype table is this entity currently in, and where does it need to be?
pub const Entities = struct {
+ pub inline fn archetypeByID(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID) *ArchetypeStorage {
+ const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
+ return &entities.archetypes.values()[ptr.archetype_index];
+ }
+ pub fn setComponent(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
+ var archetype = entities.archetypeByID(entity);
+ const old_hash = archetype.hash;
+ var have_already = archetype.components.contains(name);
+ const new_hash = if (have_already) old_hash else old_hash ^ std.hash_map.hashString(name);
+ };
takes an entity ID and gives us an actual memory pointer to the *ArchetypeStorage
table where the entity is stored. It does this by looking up the entity ID (entities.entities.get(entity).?
) so we know which archetype_index
it is stored in, and then simply returns a pointer to that table.
Then setComponent
first finds out which archetype table the entity is stored in now, and determines if that table already has the component we’re adding/updating the entity with. Recall how earlier we mentioned why our archetype table names are hashes - the hash here is simply a hash of every component name stored by the archetype table.
Creating new archetype tables
As noted earlier, when adding a new component to an entity (say going from components (Location, Name)
-> (Location, Name, Weapon)
) it will move from the old table to the new one. If the new one doesn’t exist yet we need to create it. We know this because new_hash
is the name of the table, encompassing all the component types it stores:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn setComponent(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
+ var archetype_entry = try entities.archetypes.getOrPut(entities.allocator, new_hash);
+ if (!archetype_entry.found_existing) {
+ archetype_entry.value_ptr.* = ArchetypeStorage{
+ .allocator = entities.allocator,
+ .components = .{},
+ .hash = 0,
+ };
+ var new_archetype = archetype_entry.value_ptr;
Merely creating a new ArchetypeStorage
table is not enough, though - we need to create storage columns in the table to store all of the existing components found on the entity (Location, Name)
- by iterating the components in the old table, which we don’t know the actual type of (they’re ErasedComponentStorage
, not ComponentStorage(Location)
), so we use a cloneType
helper (which we’ll define later):
+ var column_iter = archetype.components.iterator();
+ while (column_iter.next()) |entry| {
+ var erased: ErasedComponentStorage = undefined;
+ entry.value_ptr.cloneType(entry.value_ptr.*, &new_archetype.entity_ids.items.len, entities.allocator, &erased) catch ...;
+ new_archetype.components.put(entities.allocator, entry.key_ptr.*, erased) catch ...;
+ }
And finally, create storage / a new column for the new component
we’re adding to the entity (Weapon
+ // Create storage/column for the new component.
+ const erased = entities.initErasedStorage(&new_archetype.entity_ids.items.len, @TypeOf(component)) catch ...;
+ new_archetype.components.put(entities.allocator, name, erased) catch ...;
+ new_archetype.calculateHash();
+ }
+ }
You may have noticed we wrote catch ...
in the snippets above, these are simply written as:
catch |err| {
return err;
The reason for this is simple: If we fail to clone the storage columns, or add the new storage column, then we failed to create the archetype storage table! In this case, we need to clean up after ourselves so as to not leave the database in a bad state - by removing the entry we added to entities.archetypes
Finally, we implement ArchetypeStorage.calculateHash
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
hash: u64,
+ pub fn calculateHash(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
+ storage.hash = 0;
+ var iter = storage.components.iterator();
+ while (iter.next()) |entry| {
+ const component_name = entry.key_ptr.*;
+ storage.hash ^= std.hash_map.hashString(component_name);
+ }
+ }
This simply walks over each storage.components
entry (the columns in the table), and hashes the component type names.
Making Entities.setComponent
update component values
At this point our setComponent
method finds the archetype_entry
table that needs to be updated, and has created it if necessary:
pub const Entities = struct {
pub fn setComponent(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
var archetype_entry = try entities.archetypes.getOrPut(entities.allocator, new_hash);
if (!archetype_entry.found_existing) {
// ... creates new archetype table
Now it’s time to actually update the table, putting our component values into it:
+ var current_archetype_storage = archetype_entry.value_ptr;
+ if (new_hash == old_hash) {
+ const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
+ try current_archetype_storage.set(ptr.row_index, name, component);
+ return;
+ }
Here, current_archetype_storage
is going to be either the new storage table (if the entity moved from an old table to a new table), or the prior storage table (if we’re just updating the value of a component that was already on the entity.) We then compare new_hash == old_hash
and, if equal, that implies we’re just updating the value of the existing component on the entity.
Now, if we’re moving the entity to a new table, things are a bit more involved. First, we need to copy all component values for our entity from the old archetype storage table to the destination storage table. We do this by creating a new row in the destination table, iterating each component value in the old row, and copying it over:
+ const new_row = try current_archetype_storage.new(entity);
+ const old_ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
+ var column_iter = archetype.components.iterator();
+ while (column_iter.next()) |entry| {
+ var old_component_storage = entry.value_ptr;
+ var new_component_storage = current_archetype_storage.components.get(entry.key_ptr.*).?;
+ new_component_storage.copy(new_component_storage.ptr, entities.allocator, new_row, old_ptr.row_index, old_component_storage.ptr) catch |err| {
+ current_archetype_storage.undoNew();
+ return err;
+ };
+ }
We also need to update the table’s mapping of entity_ids
(row indices -> entity ID):
+ current_archetype_storage.entity_ids.items[new_row] = entity;
And since we only copied over the old components -> the new table row, we don’t yet have the new component in the new table row - it’s undefined memory at present. We update it:
+ current_archetype_storage.set(new_row, name, component) catch |err| {
+ current_archetype_storage.undoNew();
+ return err;
+ };
At this point, our entity would be in the new table! The new table has a new row with all of our component values, too! But the old table row still exists: we need to remove it.
Removing the old table row, updating pointers
We’ll use a swap removal (swapping the row that may be in the middle of the table somewhere, with the last row in the table, and finally decreasing the size of the table by one.)
+ var swapped_entity_id = archetype.entity_ids.items[archetype.entity_ids.items.len - 1];
+ archetype.remove(old_ptr.row_index) catch |err| {
+ current_archetype_storage.undoNew();
+ return err;
+ };
Notably, archetype.remove
swap removes old_ptr.row_index
from the table. But in doing so, our global mapping of entities
entity ID -> entity ptr has become invalid! So we correct it:
+ try entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, swapped_entity_id, old_ptr);
Last but not least, the entity we were using setComponent
on has moved to a new archetype table, and a new row. We update it’s pointer in the global entities
+ try entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, entity, Pointer{
+ .archetype_index = @intCast(u16, archetype_entry.index),
+ .row_index = new_row,
+ });
+ return;
Setting the value of a component in a table
Earlier in Entities.setComponent
we had invoked ArchetypeStorage.set
if (new_hash == old_hash) {
const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
try current_archetype_storage.set(ptr.row_index, name, component);
This function will just find the ErasedComponentStorage
(column storage) for name
, cast it to the type of component
so we have ComponentStorage(T)
and update row_index
to have the value component
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
+ pub fn set(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, row_index: u32, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
+ var component_storage_erased = storage.components.get(name).?;
+ var component_storage = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(component_storage_erased.ptr, @TypeOf(component));
+ try component_storage.set(storage.allocator, row_index, component);
+ }
Over in ComponentStorage
, we implement the set
method - which is quite simple - if the data array isn’t large enough (we haven’t actually allocated storage for the row yet), then we allocate it to undefined
memory - and finally we set row_index
to the component
pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime Component: type) type {
return struct {
total_rows: *usize,
data: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Component) = .{},
const Self = @This();
+ pub fn set(storage: *Self, allocator: Allocator, row_index: u32, component: Component) !void {
+ if (storage.data.items.len <= row_index) try storage.data.appendNTimes(allocator, undefined, storage.data.items.len + 1 - row_index);
+ storage.data.items[row_index] = component;
+ }
Finally, we can create entities and add/update components on them!
is fully implemented! These lines from our test earlier now work:
try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "jane"); // add Name component
try world.setComponent(player, "Location", Location{}); // add Location component
try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "joe"); // update Name component
A copy of the full code at this point is available here and you can run it using zig test ecs.zig
as before.
Getting component values
Getting component values is pretty simple:
pub const Entities = struct {
+ pub fn getComponent(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID, name: []const u8, comptime Component: type) ?Component {
+ var archetype = entities.archetypeByID(entity);
+ var component_storage_erased = archetype.components.get(name) orelse return null;
+ const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
+ var component_storage = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(component_storage_erased.ptr, Component);
+ return component_storage.get(ptr.row_index);
+ }
This finds the archetype
table the entity is stored in, then finds the components
column the named component is stored in, and finally casts the ErasedComponentStorage
-> ComponentStorage(Component)
so we can get the row value. Notably, this means both the name of the component and the provided type must be correct, or else undefined behavior could occur. This is a fatal flaw in our ECS implementation which we will fix!
Removing components, entities
Removing components is similar to adding them (because the entity needs to move between ArchetypeStorage tables.) Removing entities is similar as well. The code is lengthy, and nearly identical, so we won’t cover it here.
By this point you have a relatively solid archetypal ECS. The full source code for this article is available here.
Notably, it is lacking the following which we’ll cover in part 3:
- Querying of actual entites, iterators over components for a single entity, etc.
- Type-safety, as noted earlier if you pass the wrong name / component type it will result in undefined behavior!
- … and more
is available on GitHub, slightly ahead of this series and changing rapidly. Once it becomes stable, it will also be available as a standalone Zig library anyone can use in their own engine/game.
Follow @machengine on Twitter for updates, and join our Matrix chat room for ECS discussion & to help us reach Mach 1.0.
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